Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Channel Impact: Reach Extends Beyond Expectations

I had a great phone call with a channel provider today. Last weekend I had a voice mail on my home phone that said "If this is the Scott Karren who used to run MSI Consulting Group, please call me." Today I connected with him. Here is his story.

In the late nineties, he read a white paper we wrote called The Emergence of the Solution Provider. The heart of the paper was the transformation of a technology reseller into a business solution provider; someone who sells business impact versus technology. After reading the article, he and his partner restructured their company, TCS Technology, according to the business model described in the paper. He called to tell me how well it had worked and to say thanks.

With direct clients, I usually know the impact we have on the business. But with a white paper printed in VAR Business, the reach is invisible. This is analogous to companies that sell through channels. The reach and impact is not directly visible to sales managers. However, just because it is not seen, does not mean it is not happening. Channel companies need formal systems to identify and measure their indirect reach and coverage.

Thanks again to TCS Technology in Tenn. You made my day. I look forward to visiting with you on one of my next trips across the country.

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