Thursday, February 24, 2005

Channel Management: Partner Assessment

I just finished Alan Deutschman's 'Second Coming of Steve Jobs. Interesting read for people in our industry.

Near the end of the book, Deutschman quote Susan Barns research about characteristics that help entrepreneurial companies survive. The are just a relevant for channel partners as for Apple.

1. Pure Staying Power
2. Persistence
3. Continuing Belief in Something
4. Stubbornness to Get Things Done
5. Optimism

Developing metrics to track these characteristics in your partners will deliver a stronger portfolio of partners.

The Channel Pro
Sent wirelessly via Blackberry from T-Mobile from Singapore.

Hi Scott, great comment! These qualities or attributes all have different worldviews (definitions) depending on one's level of consciousness. This is exactly what makes the vertical (vs horizontal) an essential component to CM. Let talk on Monday.

Have a safe return.

And as all good channel professionals know, Optimism is the Channel's Secret Weapon.
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