Wednesday, September 24, 2003

STRATEGY: Constancy is more important than change.

Channel management is the art of creating a consistent process for allocating budget, leads and product. Above all else, providers need predictable order and structure to succeed. People need to know the system to perform well and channels are no different. Consider the following examples:

In the October 6, 2003 Issue of Forbes, Steve Forbes criticizes the US Government pressures on China for currency reform. Forbes cautions that volatile exchange rates hamper economic growth.

In his book, The Roots of American Order, Russell Kirk identifies order as the prime human need. He argues that without order there can be no justice, and without justice freedom is only violence.

Spencer, Shenk, Capers and Associates' Personality Profile Indicator statistics show that less than 10% of the population enjoys an act for actions’ sake, “promoter” approach.

Don’t confuse urgency or importance with speed and change. They do not always go together. Acting quickly just to be proactive is hard on organizations. Channel professionals, while pressured with the same dissatisfaction about channel performance, do not preach revolution.

Sometimes drastic change is necessary, but only infrequently. If every issue is an emergency, you have a problem with channel management, not channel performance.

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